David Bowie / Diamond Dogs


Released 24.05.1974
Discography 08th Studio Album
Format LP
Label RCA
A1. Future Legend (1:00)
(#/David Bowie)
A2. Diamond Dogs (5:50)
(#/David Bowie)
A3. Sweet Thing (3:29)
(#/David Bowie)
A4. Candidate (2:39)
(#/David Bowie)
A5. Sweet Thing [Reprise] (2:32)
(#/David Bowie)
A6. Rebel Rebel (4:21)
(#/David Bowie)
B1. Rock'n' Roll With Me (3:54)
(#/David Bowie/Warren Peace)
B2. We Are the Dead (4:48)
(#/David Bowie)
B3. 1984 (3:24)
(#/David Bowie)
B4. Big Brother (3:25)
(#/David Bowie)
B5. Chant of the Ever Circling Skeletal Family (1:48)
(#/David Bowie)
Album ID 72
Guest Musician Alan Parker

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