Rachel Flowers / Bigger on the Inside


Released 01.10.2021
Discography 03rd Studio Album
Format CD
Label Rachel Flowers Music
1. A B [Instrumental] (4:15)
(Rachel Flowers)
2. Take Me Away (11:48)
(#/Rachel Flowers)
3. Too Much (7:49)
(#/Rachel Flowers)
4. Love Today (4:40)
(#/Rachel Flowers)
5. This is the Way I am (6:20)
(#/Rachel Flowers)
6. The Darkness (10:04)
(#/Rachel Flowers)
7. Feel (11:57)
(#/Rachel Flowers)
8. Beautiful Dream (4:43)
(#/Rachel Flowers)
9. With You (6:22)
(#/Rachel Flowers)
Album ID 3.180
Production Rachel Flowers (Producer)
Band Member Rachel Flowers (Vocals/Keyboards/Guitar)

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