Neil Young / Harvest


Released 01.02.1972
Discography 04th Studio Album
Format LP
Label Reprise Records
A1. Out on the Weekend / Neil Young with The Stray Gators (4:34)
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A2. Harvest / Neil Young with The Stray Gators (3:11)
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A3. A Man Needs a Maid / Neil Young with London Symphony Orchestra (4:05)
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A4. Heart of Gold / Neil Young with The Stray Gators (3:07)
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A5. Are You Ready for the Country? / Neil Young with The Stray Gators (3:23)
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B1. Old Man / Neil Young with The Stray Gators (3:24)
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B2. There's a World / Neil Young with London Symphony Orchestra (2:59)
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B3. Alabama / Neil Young with The Stray Gators (4:02)
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B4. The Needle and the Damage Done [Live] (2:03)
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B5. Words (Between the Lines of Age) / Neil Young with The Stray Gators (6:40)
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Album ID 3.119
Production Elliot Mazer (Producer); Neil Young (Producer); Jack Nitzsche (Producer); Henry Lewy (Producer)
Studio La Honda, CA, Broken Arrow Ranch (Recording Location); Nashville, TN - Quadrafonic Sound Studios (Recording Location); London, Barking Town Hall (Recording Location)
Band Member Neil Young (Guitar-Electric/Harmonica/Vocals); Ben Keith (Pedal Steel Guitar); Jack Nitzsche (Piano); Kenneth Buttrey (Drums & Percussion); Tim Drummond (Bass Guitar); James Taylor (Vocals-Backing); Linda Ronstadt (Vocals-Backing); David Crosby (Vocals-Backing); Graham Nash (Vocals-Backing); Stephen Stills (Vocals-Backing)
Guest Musician John Harris (Piano); London Symphony Orchestra (Orchestra); James Taylor (Vocals-Backing/Guitar); Linda Ronstadt (Vocals-Backing); Teddy Irwin (Guitar); David Crosby (Vocals-Backing); Graham Nash (Vocals-Backing); Stephen Stills (Vocals-Backing)

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