America / America


Released 29.12.1971
Discography 01st Studio Album
Format LP
Label Warner Bros.
A1. Riverside (3:02)
(#/Dewey Bunnell)
A2. Sandman (5:03)
(#/Dewey Bunnell)
A3. Three Roses (3:54)
(#/Dewey Bunnell)
A4. Children (3:07)
(#/Dewey Bunnell)
A5. A Horse With No Name (4:10)
(#/Dewey Bunnell)
A6. Here (5:30)
(#/Gerry Beckley)
B1. I Need You (3:04)
(#/Gerry Beckley)
B2. Rainy Day (3:00)
(#/Dan Peek)
B3. Never Found the Time (3:50)
(#/Dan Peek)
B4. Clarice (4:00)
(#/Gerry Beckley)
B5. Donkey Jaw (5:17)
(#/Dan Peek)
B6. Pigeon Song (2:17)
(#/Dewey Bunnell)
Album ID 25
Production Ian Samwell (Producer)
Band Member Gerry Beckley (Vocals/Bass Guitar); Dewey Bunnell (Vocals/Guitar); Dan Peek (Guitar)
Guest Musician Ray Cooper (Percussion); Dave Atwood (Drums & Percussion); David Lindley (Guitar/Pedal Steel Guitar); Kim Haworth (Drums & Percussion)

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