Gordon Lightfoot / Sit Down Young Stranger / If You Could Read My Mind


Released 04.1970
Discography 05th Studio Album
Format CD
Label Reprise Records
1. Minstrel Of The Dawn (3:27)
(#/Gordon Lightfoot)
2. Me And Bobby McGee (3:46)
(#/Fred Foster/Kris Kristofferson)
3. Approaching Lavender (2:57)
(#/Gordon Lightfoot)
4. Saturday Clothes (3:21)
(#/Gordon Lightfoot)
5. Cobwebs & Dust (3:23)
(#/Gordon Lightfoot)
6. Poor Little Alison (2:31)
(#/Gordon Lightfoot)
7. Sit Down Young Stranger (3:26)
(#/Gordon Lightfoot)
8. If You Could Read My Mind (3:51)
(#/Gordon Lightfoot)
9. Baby It's Allright (3:03)
(#/Gordon Lightfoot)
10. Your Love's Return (3:57)
(#/Gordon Lightfoot)
11. The Pony Man (3:29)
(#/Gordon Lightfoot)
Album ID 1.359

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