John Lennon & Yoko Ono / Milk and Honey


Released 27.01.1984
Discography 08th Studio Album
Format CD
Label EMI
1. I'm Stepping Out (4:06)
(#/John Lennon)
2. Sleepless Night (2:33)
(#/Yoko Ono)
3. I Don't Wanna Face it (3:21)
(#/John Lennon)
4. Don't Be Scared (2:44)
(#/Yoko Ono)
5. Nobody Told Me (3:34)
(#/John Lennon)
6. O' Sanity (1:06)
(#/Yoko Ono)
7. Borrowed Time (4:29)
(#/John Lennon)
8. Your Hands (3:04)
(#/Yoko Ono)
9. (Forgive Me) My Little Flower Princess (2:28)
(#/John Lennon)
10. Let Me Count the Ways (2:16)
(#/Yoko Ono)
11. Grow Old with Me (3:09)
(#/John Lennon)
12. You're the One (3:57)
(#/Yoko Ono)
Album ID 2.128
Production John Lennon (Producer); Yoko Ono (Producer)
Band Member Yoko Ono (Vocals); John Lennon (Vocals/Guitar/Keyboards)

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